Year 4

Maths 5.3.21

English Year 4 25.02.21

Reading Year 4 25.02.21 Summarising

English - 5.3.21

Reading 05.03.21 Comprehension

Maths 3.3.21

English - 3.3.21

Reading 03.03.21 Character Work

Reading 02.03.21 Vocabulary

English - 2.3.21

Maths 2.3.21

English - 1.3.21

Maths 1.3.21

Covid Catch up Maths 01.03.21 Time

Maths - 26.2.21

English 26.2.21

Maths - 25.2.21

Reading 24.02.21 Inference

English 24.2.21

Maths - 24.2.21

Maths - 23.2.21

English 23.2.21

Reading 23.02.21 Vocabulary

Covid Catch Up Maths 22.02.21 Time to 5 minutes

22.02.21 PSHE Money

Maths 12.02.21

English 12.02.21 Editing and Improving

Reading - 11.2.21

Maths 11.02.21

English 11.02.21 Write an explanation text

Reading - 10.2.21

English 10.02.21 Planning an explanation text

Maths 10.02.21

Maths 09.02.21

English 09.02.21 Exploring Targets

Reading 0 9.2.21

Maths 08.02.21

English 08.02.21 Research for explanation text

English - 5.2.21

Maths 05.02.21 Part-whole models for division

Reading 04.02.21

Maths 04.02.21 Multiplication

Reading 03.02.21

English - 3.2.21

Maths 03.02.21 Consolidating multiplication

Reading 02.02.21

English - 2.2.21

Maths 02.02.21 Comparing Area

Maths 01.02.21 Area - Making Shapes

English - 1.2.21

Reading 29.01.21

Maths - 29.1.21

English 28.01.21

Maths - 28.1.21

Reading 28.01.21 Empathy

Imagine how Harry feels when he is being sorted

SPaG 27.01.21

Commas after fronted adverbials

English 27.01.21

Maths - 27.1.21

English 26.01.21

SPaG 26.01.21

Maths - 26.1.21

English 25.01.21

Maths - 25.1.21

Reading 25.1.21 vocabulary work


English 22.01.21

Write a character profile

Thursday 21st January reading

English 21.01.21

draft intro and appearance paragraph

Maths 21.1.21

Reading - 20.1.21

English 20.01.21

Plan a character profile.

Maths 20.1.21

Maths 19.1.21

English 19.01.21

Reading - 19.1.21

Maths 18.1.21

English 18.1.21 Research appearance and background for character profile

Maths 15.1.21 Multiply more than 2 numbers

Complete larger multiplications by multiplying more than 2 numbers

English - 15.1.21

Maths 14.1.21 Multiplying more than 2 numbers

Reading 14.1.21

English - 14.1.21

Reading 13.1.21

English - 13.1.21

Maths 13.1.21 Solving problems involving multiplication

Apply methods and use bar models to solve multiplication problems

Maths - Multiply a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number

Use short multiplications to multiply 3d by 1d

Reading 12.1.21

Reading 11.1.21

Covid Catch up Maths Fractions 11.1.21

Finding equivalent fractions

Maths 11.1.21

Multiply a 2d by 1d

English - 11.01.21

English - 8.01.21

SPaG 8.1.21


Maths - 8.01.21

Maths - 7.1.21

Reading Year 4 7.1.21

7.4.21 Whole class reading lesson - thinking about the text.

English 07.01.21