Year 5 Interventions

reading intervention march 4th

Year 5 Intervention Mrs. Powell's COVID Maths intervention w/c 25.1.21

Mrs McLarens 9xtable intervention

Week 8 Video 2 Mrs Kaur intervention

Week 8 Video 1 Mrs Kaur Intervention

1/3/21 Mrs. Powell's Maths Covid intervention

1/3/21 Mrs. Powell's writing COVID intervention

1\3\21 Mrs. Powell's reading COVID intervention

year 5 8xtable

Mrs Kaur Intervention wb 22.2.21 Week 7 video 2

Mrs Kaur wb 22.2.21 Week 7 Video 1

Reading intervention 22nd Feb

22.2.21 Mrs. Powell's Reading COVID intervention

22/2/21 Mrs. Powell writing COVID intervention

22.2.21 Mrs. Powell's Maths COVID intervention

Adding fractions Mrs McLaren

Reading intervention 8th February

Mrs Kaur Spelling and Handwriting Intervention Week 6 Video 2

Mrs Kaur Spelling and handwriting intervention Week 6 video 1

W/C 8/2/21 Mrs. Powell's Writing COVID intervention

W/C 8/2/21 Mrs. Powell Reading COVID intervention

W/C 8/2/21 Mrs. Powell's Maths COVID intervention

Year 5 - reciprocal reading intervention 3rd February

Mrs McLarens 7 times table intervention

Week 5 Video 2 Spelling and handwriting intervention

Week 5 Video 1 Spelling and handwriting intervention

Mrs. Powell's Writing COVID intervention 1.2.21

Mrs. Powell's Readinf COVID intervention 1.2.21

Mrs. Powell's Maths Covid intervention

Reading intervention 1-2-21

Mrs McLaren y5 Maths intervention


reading intervention 26.01.21

Year 5 Writing, spelling and handwriting intervention with Mrs Kaur

Mrs. Powell's COVID Writing intervention w/c 25.1.21

Mrs. Powell's COVID Reading intervention w/c 25.1.21